Presentation and networking event for industrial doctorates in Social Sciences and Humanities

07/11/2018 - 18:00
UOC Tibidabo
Doctorats Industrials

With the aim of presenting the Industrial Doctorates Plan and explaining how doctorates can be applied to the social sciences, arts and humanities, the UOC has organized a presentation and networking event that will take place on Wednesday, 7 November, at 6 pm, in the UOC's Josep Laporte room (Avinguda de Tibidabo 39, Barcelona). The event is being organized by the Doctoral School and the UOC Knowledge Transfer and Research Support Office. To take part, you must register here before 6 November. The event will be in Catalan.

The event is aimed at companies with a need or an idea that calls for innovation and/or research, at teaching and/or research staff looking for doctoral students or suitable companies/institutions in which to conduct their projects, and at potential doctoral students.

An explanation will be given at the event of what industrial doctorates consist of; UOC success stories will be presented from the point of view of students, teaching and/or research staff and companies; proposals of possible industrial doctorates for upcoming calls will be given; and finally, the challenges facing the participating companies and organizations will be outlined. At the end of the conference, there will be an opportunity for students, researchers and companies to network and promote joint industrial doctorate proposals.

The Industrial Doctorates Plan is a Government of Catalonia initiative that promotes building bridges of cooperation between the academic and socio-economic worlds in order to respond to the challenges facing companies and institutions. It also aims to contribute to the competitiveness and internationalization of Catalan industry, boost the instruments for attracting talent generated by the country and place future doctoral degree holders in a position to conduct RDI projects in companies.

The event is part of the UOC’s Knowledge Transfer and Value Creation Strategic Plan (PETER), to which the Government of Catalonia gave the green light last April. The initiative has a budget of over one and a half million euros, of which 50% is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the remaining 50% by the University. The aim of PETER is to foster the UOC’s knowledge transfer, and it is expected that it will both enable an increase in the number of patents and spin-offs, and treble the number of companies that the University cooperates with, which could reach up to 300 by 2020.

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