Business Idea Generation and Maturing

Business Idea Generation and Maturing

Business Idea Generation and Maturing
Online training to help you define your business idea

Capsule to inform the entrepreneur about  the key factors involved in making the leap from idea to sustainable business project.

This capsule is part of Guidance in the entrepreneurial process program with other programmes  previously offered by Hubbik: Comunication for entrepreneurs,  Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs,and Funding Entrepreneurial Projects.

With the support of

Secretaria d'Universitats i RecercaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional


  • Encourage the promoter's entrepreneurial and creative abilities and foster the necessary skills to lead a business proposal.
  • Provide working tools for transforming knowledge or technology into a business idea which, subsequently, culminates in a profitable, sustainable business project.
  • Offer educational content that makes it easier for the various stakeholders involved in the entrepreneurial process to design a business model.
  • Facilitate networking between participants, players who are important for the former's business activity and potential investors.

UOC research staff and entrepreneurs with a business idea in its early stages who wish to develop and acquire the tools to generate a business model.

The training programme is structured in nine modules with a substantial practical content, whose purpose is to enable the participants to define a business model, with individualized tutoring provided by the teaching staff.

Module 1. Start-up

We will present the basic aspects of the entrepreneurial process in technology or knowledge-based projects. We will explain the stages that will have to be completed in order to transform a great idea into a sustainable business project.

Module 2. Developing the opportunity

We will learn to nimbly structure our business model using a guided process in which we will start to analyse the different key points that make up the jigsaw pieces of a business project.

Module 3. Market evaluation

All business projects are developed in a specific market segment. Consequently, we will analyse and describe the segment corresponding to our project, contextualizing the area in which our project will be born, grow and develop.

Module 4. Market validation

We will learn how to create value for our customers while, at the same time, learning about their behaviour. This will enable us to improve our proposal before taking it to the market, dispelling the uncertainty inherent in all innovative projects.

Module 5. Marketing

Before launching a product on the market, it is first necessary to prepare a strategy and answer some basic questions in order to assure the task's success. There is no point in designing a fantastic product or service if we are not able to take it to our target.

Module 6. Team

The team is crucial for building a business project. We will learn to detect our needs and attract the talent who will accompany us in our journey.

Module 7. Dispelling uncertainty

We will learn to check whether an idea that is incredible on paper can be materialized into a viable economic activity that is sustainable over time; acquire the necessary training to understand the economic implications of our business venture; and study the specific features of university entrepreneurship.

Module 8. Funding

Funding is a critical factor for getting the project off the ground and developing the business activity. The entrepreneur must be aware of the various funding mechanisms that are available and their features, and evaluate the fit of the tools that both public and private organizations have put in place for funding entrepreneurial projects.

Module 9. Effective presentations

A business project's first steps are crucial; we need to generate expectation and attract all manner of resources. We will learn how to interact with the business environment, arouse interest and focus attention on our proposal.

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