

Infografía Autismind
Àlex Escolá Director
Sergi Corbella Asesor
Noemí Balmaña Asesora

Key data

Year of creation:

What we do

AutisMIND is a web platform for streaming interactive videos. In other words, it has innovative technology that enables the user to make decisions while playing the video, choosing how the story will continue, how to solve a problem, or what the outcome of a situation will be.

Some people with autism can find handling social networks, shopping, having a job interview or going to the dentist real challenges, but through e-learning they can develop the coping strategies and adaptive skills they need to play a functional role in society, representing a very significant difference in their subjective well-being and quality of life.


What is our business model?

Our business model is based on a monthly/annual subscription, similar to other video streaming platforms.

Although it focuses on people with autism, the project can easily be used for other groups and there are various paths for growth, such as its translation into other languages and its use in schools for improving social skills and addressing contemporary problems in a motivational way using ICT.

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