

Programme opened


logos spinteams
From the idea to the market through mentoring and transnational entrepreneurial teams

Universities are the main source of innovation and solutions to societal challenges that can also cover market needs. Many start-ups and University spin offs are founded at European Higher Education Institutions, but they lack of sustainability and growth capacity. After 3 years, more than the 50 % of the start-ups fail because of low profitability and growth capacity. The origin of this failure come from the roots of the start-up foundation: the entrepreneurial and business skills of the founders, their complementarity of skills and those of their teams, their capacity to find supporting networks, difficulties to find an effective start-up support ecosystem, and the capacity of going international.

SpinTeams partners have developed coaching, peer learning and mentoring programs that have shown results in reaching a survival rate between 75% and 97% of their start-ups and spin-offs after 3 years of creation, being the entrepreneurship one of the priorities of the higher education institutions participating in this project.

SPINTeams links higher education institutions to successful business communities by establishing coaching, peer learning and mentoring methodologies to increase the success rate of start-ups and spin-offs. Its main objective is to improve the entrepreneurial and business skills of future entrepreneurs from higher education institutions (HEIs), as well as their current and future spin-offs and start-ups, to achieve increasingly sustainable companies.

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Project Website

To those of you who are part of the UOC community (students, alumni, professors, researchers, collaborating professors and management staff).

Aimed at those who already have an entrepreneurial project underway, to improve their entrepreneurial skills and find valuable connections, as well as those who want to undertake, to validate and create your business idea, or just feel curious to explore the world of entrepreneurship.

Through SpinTeams you will be able to access, free of charge, the following resources and activities.


Entrepreneurship webinar series

A series of 8 webinars to improve your entrepreneurial skills:


1. Development of personal entrepreneurial skills.

2. Development of the business idea, creation of the business plan and association with stakeholders.

3. Strategic marketing plan.

4. Legal aspects of business creation.

5. European funding: EU funds and support tools for entrepreneurship.

6. Intellectual property and its importance.

7. Innovation in the management of digital transformation projects.

8. Internationalization.

International cooperation platform

Access to an international cooperation platform between entrepreneurs, Rebel Base.

The platform facilitates interaction with an international entrepreneurial community as well as support in the creation and validation of your business idea, through the support of mentors and advisors as well as cooperation with other stakeholders.

Other resources and activities

In addition to the above, through SpinTeams you will also be able to access entrepreneurial activities and competitions as well as financing and investment opportunities.


Name: SPINTeams (University Spin-offs Alliance: from the idea to the market through tutoring and transnational entrepreneurial teams

UOC position: partner

Total budget: EUR 995,176.00

Project period: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023

Programme: Erasmus +

Partner countries: Spain, Latvia, Italy, Austria, Croatia

Lead partner:

· Terrassa Chamber of Commerce of Industry and Services (Spain)


· Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)

· Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvia)

· University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)

· Institute for Economic Promotion (Austria)

· European Grants International Academy (Italy)

· Poligest SL (Spain)

· Turiba University (Latvia)

· Tera Tehnopolis, Ltd (Croatia)

· University of Graz (Austria)

You can find more information about SpinTeams on its website as well as follow all its news through its social networks (Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube)


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